The purpose of Food Safety Standards is to establish HACCP and food safety management systems, to ensure international recognition and standardization. Being certified according to Food Safety Standards has been the basic requirement of many leading food retailers.
BRCGS and IFS Standards are important and globally accepted standards in this way. These standards have become a commercial “ticket” as they are a prerequisite for becoming the supplier of many companies and generally include the desired food safety conditions.
As USB Certification, we offer our certification services for food safety systems, production and processing in the food and agriculture sectors with our expert auditor team and corporate experience.
USB Certification is the FIRST TÜRKİYE CENTRED COMPANY in the world to provide certification services in the scope of BRC Global Food Safety, Issue 9 and IFS Food Standard, Issue 8. We carry out all our activities as an accredited certification body from the German Accreditation Agency DAkkS. You can access our certificate here.
* Our accreditation studies on BRCGS Consumer Products standard are continuing.
* USB Certification provides certification services in the field of ISO 22000 and FSSC 22000 on behalf of QMSCERT through our local expert team of auditors.
UOF-FOOD-BRC-EN-4010 Application Form – Unannounced Audit (BRCGS Food) (11)
UOF-FOOD-BRCPM-EN-4000 Application Form (BRCGS Packaging Materials) (00)
UOF-FOOD-IFS-EN-4000 Application Form – Announced Audit (IFS Food) (11)
UOF-FOOD-IFS-EN-4010 Application Form – Unannounced Audit (IFS Food) (11)
UOP-FOOD-BRC-EN-4070 Certification Process Workflow (BRCGS) (03)
UOP-FOOD-EN-4000 Procedure for Handling Application Review and Quoting (13)
UOP-FOOD-EN-4080 Organization Use of Registration and Logo Procedure (06)
UOP-FOOD-IFS-EN-4070 Certification Process Workflow (IFS) (04)
UOF-FOOD-BRCCP-EN-4000 Application Form (BRCGS Consumer Products) (00)
UOF-FOOD-BRC-EN-4000 Application Form – Announced Audit (BRCGS Food) (11)

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