USB Certification provides services in the following areas within the scope of ISO/IEC 17020 Conformity assessment – Requirements for the operation of various types of inspection bodies.
Hygiene and Sanitation Inspection
- Places Where Food Products are Prepared and Served
Electrical Installation
- Grounding Installation
- Lightning Protection System
- Residual/Leakage Current Measurement
- Electrical Panel Visual Inspection
- Electrical Panel Function Control
- Thermographic Inspection
Compensation Systems - Insulation Measurements
- Insulation Resistance Measurement
- Ground Insulation Resistance Measurement
- Generators*
- Cathodic Protection
- Embedded Metallic Tanks and Associated Piping
- Periodic Controls of Portable Electrical Devices (PAT Test)
- Exproof Environments İnspections

Lifting and Conveying Machines
- Crane
- Overhead Crane
- Gantry Crane
- Monorail Crane
- Mobile Crane
- Portal and Pedestal Crane
- Hoist
- Platform
- Upgradeable Mobile Work
- Platform
- Suspended Access Hardware
- Column Working Platform
- Vehicle Lifting Equipment*
- Puller*
- Rope Puller*
- Chain Puller*
- Pallet Truck
- Forklift
- Movable Loading Ramp*
Pressure Vessels
- Industrial Autoclave*
- Compressed Air Tank*
- Compressor Air Tank
- Booster/Expansion Tank
- Boiler/Accumulation Tank*
- Liquefied Gas Tanks*
- Steam boiler
- Heating/Hot Water Boiler
- Hot Oil Boiler*
- Steam Cooking Boiler*
- Hot Water Boiler*

Non-Destructive Testing
Construction Machinery Control
- Backhoe-Loader (Backhoe-Loder)*
- Loader*
- Hydraulic Excavator*
- Bored Pile or Drilling Rig*
- Other Construction Machines *
Industrial Rack and Door Control
- Industrial Rack Controls *
- Industrial Door Controls *
- Hydraulic, Pneumatic Presses* (TS EN ISO 16092-1, TS EN ISO 16902-3)
- Turning, Milling, Woodworking Machines* (TS EN ISO 23125, TS EN ISO 16090-1, TS EN 847-3)
- Cold Metal, Band Saws* (TS EN ISI 16093, TS EN 1807-2)
- Stationary Grinding Machines* (TS EN ISO 16089)
- Drilling Machines* (TS EN 12717+A1)
- Guillotine Shears* (TS EN 13985+A1)
* An application has been made to extend the Scope of TURKAK Accreditation and it is not within the scope of accreditation.