Best Practice Guideline – Pest Management” published by BRCGS

BRCGS tarafından Best Practice Guideline - Pest Management adlı Doküman Yayımlandı

BRCGS has published a new guideline to improve pest management in production and storage facilities. Called ‘Best Practice Guideline – Pest Management’, the guideline provides best practices for the effective control of pests in facilities. Particularly in industries where food safety and hygiene are critical, pest control is essential for maintaining product quality and the health of employees. 

This new guideline covers a wide range of strategies and methods, from preventing pests from entering production and storage areas to effective monitoring. BRCGS recommends that production facilities adopt a comprehensive approach to make pest management more effective. The Guide recommends a combination of both proactive and reactive strategies in pest control and provides practical steps on how to implement them. 

Basic Principles of Pest Management 

The guideline emphasises the importance of taking preventive measures against pests and monitoring these measures effectively. BRCGS emphasises that production facilities should identify possible entry points of pests, strictly monitor these areas and develop a comprehensive plan to take necessary measures against pests. It is also stated that the necessary training should be provided for the detection and monitoring of pests. 

In the fight against pests, not only the use of pesticides, but also many alternative strategies such as the creation of physical barriers, raising hygiene standards and the application of biological control methods of pests are recommended. These methods recommended by BRCGS are considered as an important step in supporting sustainability and environmentally friendly practices. 

Training and Continuous Monitoring 

The Guidelines also emphasise the importance of employee training and continuous monitoring methods for pest management. BRCGS states that not only the detection and control of pests, but also regular inspections of the facilities should be carried out and each stage should be monitored. Training has been made compulsory for all personnel in the facilities, thus it is aimed to detect pests in the early stages and to provide an effective intervention. 


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