The European Union’s Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) has issued safety notifications for a total of 40 products originating from Turkey. In the statement, it was emphasised that these notifications showed a significant increase compared to previous periods.
Analyses conducted by RASFF identified serious risks among products exported from Turkey, especially in dried figs and peanuts. It was reported that aflatoxin levels in pistachios and aflatoxin and ochratoxin A levels in dried figs were above the European Union legal limits. It was also noted that various nuts, spices and confectionery products contain allergenic substances that have not been reported to consumers.
The authorities stated that this situation poses a risk to consumer health and may negatively affect the perception of quality and safety in Turkey’s food exports. In this context, it was stated that the relevant institutions in Turkey have accelerated their efforts to make pre-export inspection processes more effective and comprehensive.
In particular, it is planned to increase the frequency of inspections on exported products and to focus on training and awareness-raising activities to improve the quality assurance systems of producer companies. In addition, it was announced that sectoral meetings and seminars will be organised in order to continuously inform exporter companies about European Union standards and regulations.
The authorities underlined that the sector stakeholders should show sensitivity on this issue and stated that they aim to achieve positive results in a short time.