Although it is known that information is used in many ways in written and electronic environments, in the memories of employees, etc. and it means the culture of an institution, the importance of protecting and keeping it is increasing when today’s conditions are considered. Technological developments, securing the use of corporate information most of the time, questioning and controlling the security of information have gained a very important place today.
Therefore, information security means protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and usability of the information. It has become more important today to ensure the security of information so that this security is not provided, many assets are lost, and the lost information does not cause monetary damage.
ISO 27001 Information Security Management System is implemented by many institutions and organizations today as a management system supported by senior management that includes people, processes, and information systems in ensuring the information security of the institution.
From this point of view, ISO 27001 Information Security Management System has been created to protect information and assets that come with information, to give confidence to the relevant parties, and to provide adequate and proportional security controls.

With ISO 27001 Information Security Management System;
- Accurate, reliable, and valid information,
- Preventing extra workload and unnecessary waste of time,
- Minimizing Information Security threats/risks,
- Business continuity,
- Protection of information assets and confidentiality,
- Increasing the awareness of organizations with the studies that can be done on information systems and information security weaknesses,
- Protection of information and information methods and protection of corporate culture,
- Your internal audits are conducted independently and corporate governance and business continuity requirements,
- Action is taken by the laws and regulations in force today,
- That you care about the security of your customers’ information,
- Competitive advantage,
- The security committee of the corporate senior management of customer information,
- Continuous monitoring and improvement of business performance through regular evaluations,
is intended to be provided.
ISO 27001 Information Security Standard audits are conducted in two stages by the certification process of our national and international representations. The first stage focuses on audit planning and assesses whether the organization is ready for the audit. In the second stage, how the Information Management System is established and implemented is audited.
As USB Certification, we carry out ISO 27001 Information Security Management System pieces of training and audits with our expert trainer and auditor staff.