ISO 50001 Energy Management System Standard is a standard that provides companies with the requirements for the establishment of an energy management system and provides benefits for public institutions, including manufacturing and service sectors, and all medium and small-sized companies, and the most important feature of the standard is that it differs from other standards in organizations that perform the necessary activities of the standard. It is obvious that the financial return is seen in a short period of time.
The period structure since it has a wide coverage area regardless of size and complexity; from the first-tier producer, product producers, service producers, raw materials or additives producers, electronic and energy products producers, manufacturers, warehousemen, and transporters, artisans, wholesalers, retailers, etc. It is an internationally recognized system that is used by everyone as well as all organizations providing services, and it provides a common framework that the whole industry can use and can be applied by all these sectors.

In organizations implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management System;
- Reducing energy costs, which is one of the biggest cost items of organizations
- Being the reason for appreciation and preference by customers
- Providing competitive advantage by reducing costs
- Efficient use of the resources of our country and the enterprise
- To improve the energy usage performance systematically by extending the energy usage period,
- Improving the environmental performance of organizations,
- Discovering and directing organizations to new energy sources
- Developing the environmental awareness of corporations,
- Integration with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, EN 16001, and other management systems,
- Developing a strategy to reduce greenhouse gas and emission values,
- Creating a work plan to support energy efficiency through an effective supply chain,
- Ensuring compliance with the local obligations related to Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) determined by the countries,
- Reducing our impact on the environment by reducing waste,
- Monitoring emission values with gas emission monitoring,
- It is aimed to raise awareness in society by increasing energy awareness.
ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard audits are conducted in two stages by the certification process of our national and international representations. The first stage focuses on audit planning and assesses whether the organization is ready for the audit. In the second stage, how the Energy Management System is established and implemented is audited.
As USB Certification, we carry out ISO 50001 Energy Management System pieces of training and audits with our expert trainers and auditors.