The mining sector is an industry that involves the processes of extracting and processing natural resources from beneath the earth. This sector deals with the extraction, processing, and marketing of minerals, metals, coal, oil, natural gas, stone, and other valuable resource materials. Mining operations include the cleaning, processing, and refining of raw materials obtained from underground mines or resources extracted from the surface. Mining encompasses many different subsectors and applications and provides a significant resource for the world economy.

Mining encompasses a broad industry involving various types of substances and resources. Here are some key types of mining:
- Metal Mining: This type involves extracting minerals and metals from underground or surface deposits. Examples include mining for gold, silver, copper, iron, lead, and zinc.
- Coal Mining: Coal mining relates to the extraction and processing of coal. Coal serves as a significant fuel source for energy production and industrial processes.
- Oil and Gas Mining: This mining type involves extracting oil and natural gas from underground. These resources are utilized for energy production, heating, and transportation.
- Stone Mining: Stone mining involves the extraction and processing of various construction materials, such as natural stones like slate, marble, and granite.
- Salt Mining: Salt mining is the process of extracting salt from underground salt deposits. Salt is used in numerous applications, including the food industry, chemical industry, and road salting.
- Diamond Mining: Diamond mining involves extracting valuable diamonds, which are processed for use in jewelry.
- Uranium Mining: Uranium mining involves the extraction of uranium used for nuclear energy production.
- Gold Mining: Gold mining encompasses the extraction and processing of gold ores from underground. Gold is significant for jewelry making and financial investment.
- Lead and Zinc Mining: This mining type involves the extraction and processing of lead and zinc ores. These metals are used in various industrial applications.
- Potash Mining: Potash mining is the process of extracting potassium, an essential fertilizer for agriculture.
The mining sector also encompasses various certification standards and guidelines. These standards are used to verify the compliance of mining operations, products, worker safety, and environmental sustainability with specific norms and requirements. Key certification services required in the mining field by USB Certification include:
- ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System: The ISO 14001 standard aims to establish an environmental management system to assess environmental performance and reduce environmental impacts. It is widely used for the environmental sustainability of mining operations.
- ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management System: ISO 45001 aims to establish an occupational health and safety management system to assess worker health and safety performance and prevent occupational accidents and diseases. It is important for the safety of mining workers.
- ISO 9001 – Quality Management System: ISO 9001 targets establishing a quality management system to improve product or service quality and achieve customer satisfaction. It is significant in terms of product quality.
- SA8000 – Social Accountability Standards: SA8000 is a standard that promotes social responsibility in workplaces and protects workers’ rights. It is used in terms of worker rights and fair working conditions.