USB Certification carries out certification activities in the field of management systems within the scope of partnership agreement with UDEM.
UDEM ULUSLARARASI BELGELENDİRME DENETİM EĞİTİM MERKEZİ SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş performs ISO 13485 Management Systems Certification services with TÜRKAK accreditation, ISO 45001, ISO 10002, ISO 22716, ISO 30000, ISO 28000, ISO 37001, TS EN 15838, ISO 18295-1, ISO 18295-2 Certification service and CE Marking (CE in Machinery, CE in Elevators, CE in Construction Materials, CE in Medical Devices, etc.).

Based on national and international standards, UDEM provides timely and reliable service to its customers within the framework of legal regulations with its independent, impartial, trained personnel who constantly renew and develop themselves.
It is a certification body, each of which has professional staff specialized in their fields with their own professional experience and is qualified to respond to every need regarding related activities.