The Climate Action and Beyond Platform (TRAction), launched in cooperation with WWF-Turkey, TÜSİAD and UN Global Compact Turkey, organised its consultation meeting with public institutions at TÜSİAD Ankara Representative Office.
The aim of the meeting was to inform public institutions about science-based targets, strengthen cooperation between the business world and the public sector, and emphasise how these targets overlap with the European Green Deal. At the same time, approaches to accelerate emission reduction in the private sector and facilitate net zero compliance were also discussed.
Public and Business Meet for Science-Based Targets
The meeting started with the opening speech of Dr. Tuğba Dinçbaş, Deputy Head of Climate Change at the Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change. Experts made presentations on the dissemination of science-based targets, Turkey’s harmonisation process with the European Green Deal and the contribution of the business world to climate targets.
Science Based Targets Initiative Europe Regional Leader Kim Schoppink, shared the methodology of science-based targets and its connection with the European Green Deal, while WWF Climate and Business Network Global Leader Seán Mallon shared his experiences on the practices in Europe and the contribution of companies to net zero targets. Gülşah Günay, Head of Sustainability Standards Department at the Public Oversight and Accounting Standards Authority, presented information on sustainability reporting standards in Turkey and developments in the EU harmonisation process.
Tanyeli B. Sabuncu, Climate and Energy Programme Manager at WWF-Turkey, drew attention to the critical role of mainstreaming science-based targets methodology and alignment with the EU Green Deal in accelerating climate action in Turkey. Sabuncu emphasised the importance of strengthening the dialogue between civil society, business world and the public and stated that the TRAction Platform was established precisely for this purpose.
Cooperation is Essential for Climate Action
Prof. Dr. Tuğba Dinçbaş pointed out that 2024 was the hottest year on record and emphasised the critical importance of climate action. She stated that public, private sector and non-governmental organisations should cooperate in order for Turkey to reach its 2053 net zero emission target. He stated that a pioneering climate projection study with a resolution of 3 km is being carried out in order to develop Turkey’s climate policies and with this study, science-based targets will become even more critical for companies.
At the end of the meeting, public representatives, the business world and civil society organisations discussed the steps to be taken in order to strengthen cooperation for the dissemination of science-based targets, alignment with the European Green Deal and Turkey’s 2053 net zero emission target.
The meeting, which was attended by officials from the Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change, the Ministry of Industry and Technology, the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Treasury and Finance and the Public Oversight Authority, as well as TRAction member business organisations and civil society organisations, ended after a question and answer session.